"If ever you are tempted to become discouraged or to lose faith, remember those faithful Saints who remained true in Kirtland. Hold on a little longer. You can do this! You are part of a special generation. You were prepared and preserved to live at this important time in the existence of our beautiful planet earth. You have a celestial pedigree and therefore have all the necessary talents to make your life an eternal success story."
--Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Hold on a Little Longer", Ensign, Jan. 2010
"Motherhood is the one thing in all the world which most truly exemplifies the God-given virtues of creating and sacrificing. The mother who, in compliance with eternal law, brings into the world an immortal spirit occupies first rank in the realm of creation."
--David O Mckay, "Respect for Mothers and Their Divine Role", Gospel Ideals , Improvement Era, 1953], p. 456).Aaronic Priesthood Manual #1 (the lesson on Mothers)
Thanks Amanda for keeping up on the blog. You are the best. Even when you are having your own trials, you are always there to help out others. Love you!